

Student Created a Headset that Reads Your Mind and Lets You Order Pizza with Your Thoughts

Student Created a Headset that Reads Your Mind and Lets You Order Pizza with Your Thoughts

Arnav Kapur, an MIT student originating from Delhi, has created a fascinating tool called "AlterEgo," an AI-enabled "mind-reading" headset. 

By inwardly articulating words, users of the 2018 invention can converse with machines, AI helpers, and even other people. Through bone conduction, which transmits and receives streams of information, this communication is completely private and internal. Because of this, people can order food without speaking simply by donning the device.

AlterEgo, which MIT refers to as a peripheral brain interface that is wearable and non-intrusive, enables people to converse in normal language with other entities without speaking or moving in any way that can be seen. 

Users speak internally instead, and the system uses bone conduction to deliver audio feedback while still keeping their regular hearing experience. The project's main goal is to provide people with speech impairments with new channels of contact and communication, especially those who are struggling with diseases like multiple sclerosis and amyotrophic lateral sclerosis.

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