

Tayyip Erdogan: A Political Journey Shaping Modern Turkey


Tayyip Erdogan is a well-known political figure in Turkey whose ascent to power has had a long-lasting effect on the political landscape of the country. Erdogan's path has been nothing short of spectacular, starting with his modest beginnings as a young politician in Istanbul and ending with him being the President of Turkey. In this blog, we'll examine the fascinating trajectory of Erdogan's political career, identifying crucial turning points and going over key incidents that have shaped his leadership.

Early Years and Political Career: 

On February 26, 1954, Tayyip Erdogan was born in Istanbul, Turkey. He was raised in a religiously orthodox area and was affected by his father's fervent Islamism. During his time in college, when he joined several Islamist organisations and honed his oratory skills, Erdogan's enthusiasm for politics was sparked.

Mayor of Istanbul: 

Erdogan's election as Mayor of Istanbul in 1994 marked his political breakthrough in Turkey. The infrastructure, public services, and local government in the city significantly improved during his time as mayor. Erdogan gained popularity and recognition as a capable and energetic leader as a result of his achievements in Istanbul.

Founding the AK Party:

Erdogan established the Justice and Development Party (AK Party), a right-leaning political organisation, in 2001. With appeal to both conservative and liberal populations, the AK Party was able to win over a large portion of the electorate. Many people identified with Erdogan's vision of a rich and modern Turkey, and the party's election victory opened the door for his rise to national politics.

Consolidation of Power and the Prime Minister:

When Erdogan was elected as Turkey's prime minister in 2003, a period of considerable political and economic reforms began. His administration prioritised advancing human rights, strengthening the economy, and pursuing EU membership. However, his leadership was not without criticism, with detractors highlighting issues with his views on secularism and the right to free speech.

Change to the Presidential System: 

In 2014, Erdogan won the first direct presidential election, which marked a key turning point in his political career. With this triumph, Turkey's parliamentary system was replaced with a presidential one, giving Erdogan greater administrative authority. While his supporters applauded this transformation, detractors voiced worries about a potential power grab.

Challenges and Legacy: 

Both internal and foreign issues have characterised Erdogan's administration. Turkish society has become more polarised as a result of the failed coup attempt in 2016 and the subsequent purges. Significant attention has also been paid to Erdogan's foreign policy choices, such as his military actions in Syria and his tense relations with the European Union and the United States.

Now in 2023:

Recep Tayyip Erdogan, the president of Turkey, has recently won the country's presidential election run-off. Erdogan's reelection was certified following an unofficial vote count and the Supreme Election Council's announcement. This result comes after a hotly contested run-off because he didn't win the required majority in the first round, which was conducted on May 14. According to the Supreme Election Council, Erdogan received 52.14 percent of the votes cast in the second round, while Kemal Kilicdaroglu received 47.86 percent. Erdogan's victory is expected to prolong his rule into a third decade and strengthen his grip on Turkish politics as the official confirmation is anticipated in the coming days.


Tayyip Erdogan's political career has been eventful, with both successes and controversies to be expected. Erdogan has a lasting impact on Turkish politics, beginning with his ascent to prominence as a young politician in Istanbul. Regardless of how one feels about Erdogan's leadership, there is no denying that his time in office helped to define modern Turkey. It will be interesting to see how Erdogan's political legacy and Turkey's political destiny develop as the country moves forward.

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